Montezuma is governed by a town council of five members, one for each precinct/ward and one at-large member.
The current town council members include:
John Norris
Diana Bartlow
Robert Allen
Robert Stewart
Shawna Atkinson
Town Council meetings are open to the public and are on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Montezuma Community Center, located at 800 Jackson St, Montezuma, IN 47862 . There is an additional project and planning meeting that is held each month. The dates for this meeting are scheduled during the monthly Town Council meetings.
For more information, please call 765-245-2759 or visit the town’s utility office at 1243 North Jackson Street, Monday through Friday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
Montezuma is a member of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns.
Montezuma, IN Voting Districts